Burglary alarm on the south of Wrocław
20 May 2020
The SAVAS security center has received some alarming information. An organized group of burglars has been active on the south side of Wrocław and in the surrounding suburbs.
The first sightings of a series of housebreakings have been reported in December around Christmas time. SAVAS decided to increase the frequency of security patrols to ensure the safety and protection of our clients. We decided to increase patrols around this time especially in the vicinity of the cities and suburbs where the breakings were visible (Bielany Wrocławskie, Ślęza, Tyniec Mały, Wysoka, Iwiny, Biestrzyków i Zacharzyce). The burglars have a tendency to drill through wooden windows but they operate at night or when the tenants are not present at the household. That’s why we feel that professional alarm systems like CCTV cameras, Burglary and Breakings Alarms, perimeter security, remote video surveillance, and security patrols are a must to ensure safety in our clients’ homes.
To learn more about our offer and to design an individual protection or security system, contact SAVAS specialists. We guarantee safety for your house and object for commercial use.